Treasure Factory
Treasure Factory

Treasure Factory

Learning Exercise


Phantom Types

Elm types allow generic types, that generally add flexibility to an interface. For example, the type Maybe a can hold a value of any type.

type Maybe a = Nothing | Just a

Note that on the example above, the type parameter a is used on both sides of the equal sign =. We say that a is bound to some data inside the type definition.

The phantom type technique

In certain cases however, the type parameter only appears on the left side of the equation.

type Distance unit = Distance Float

In the definition of Distance above, unit is a free type parameter, not bound to any data in the type. We can also call this type a phantom type.

It is surprisingly useful when we want to enforce constraints at compile time. For example, we want to make sure that we only add distances of the same unit.

-- Distance is an opaque type, since the module does not expose its variants.
-- This means that users may only use the functions meter, foot and add to manipulate distances.
module Distance exposing (Distance, Meter, Foot, meter, foot, add)

-- The Distance type has a phantom type 'unit'.
type Distance unit = Distance Float

-- We define two types that will be used in place
-- of the phantom type 'unit' in our constructor functions.
type Meter = Meter
type Foot = Foot

-- Constructor for Meter
meter : Distance Meter
meter = Distance 1.0

-- Constructor for Foot
foot : Distance Foot
foot = Distance 0.3048

-- The add function cannot take two parameters of different types.
-- So we cannot add meters and feet by mistake.
add : Distance unit -> Distance unit -> Distance unit
add (Distance d1) (Distance d2) = Distance (d1 + d2)

Code outside of that module cannot access the internal of the Distance type. Users can add two Distance Meter but cannot add a Distance Meter with a Distance Foot.

import Distance exposing (Distance)

-- Compiles
twoMeters = Distance.add Distance.meter Distance.meter

-- Does not compile
errDist = Distance.add Distance.meter Distance.foot

Extensible records as phantom types

There is no restriction on which types can be phantom, and record types can be used as well. When used as phantom types, records are able to express complex constraints that can transform through functions.

Let's add a new distance unit inside of the Distance module called LegoBlock. Physical blocks, being regulated objects, always have two properties: they have non-fractional and non-negative distances.

type LegoBlock = LegoBlock

fourStuds : Distance { properties | unit: LegoBlock, nonFractional : (), nonNegative: () }
fourStuds = Distance 4.0

nonFractional and nonNegative are the fields of a record that doesn't exist outside of a type argument, so it's fitting to give them the type (), called the unit type, which holds no information beyond the fact that it is there.

Obtaining arbitrary LegoBlock distances is of course possible, for example after computing distance differences or ratios.

negativeStud : Distance { properties | unit: LegoBlock, nonFractional : () }
negativeStud = Distance -1.0

threeFiddyStud : Distance { properties | unit: LegoBlock, nonNegative : () }
threeFiddyStud = Distance 3.50

crazyStud : Distance { properties | unit: LegoBlock }
crazyStud = Distance -13.37

All the above values are valid and will compile, however we have a special interest in values like fourStuds that have both the nonFractional and nonNegative properties because they represent physical blocks that can be combined with

  :  Distance { properties | unit: LegoBlock, nonFractional : (), nonNegative: () }
  -> Distance { properties | unit: LegoBlock, nonFractional : (), nonNegative: () }
  -> Distance { properties | unit: LegoBlock, nonFractional : (), nonNegative: () }
combineLegoBlocks = add

Let's add some functions to let users create and refine LegoBlock distances.

newLegoBlock : Float -> Distance { properties | unit: LegoBlock }
newLegoBlock dist = Distance dist

floorDistance : Distance properties -> Distance { properties | nonFractional : () }
floorDistance (Distance dist) = Distance (toFloat (floor dist))

ceilingDistance : Distance properties -> Distance { properties | nonFractional : () }
ceilingDistance (Distance dist) = Distance (toFloat (ceiling dist))

absDistance : Distance properties -> Distance { properties | nonNegative : () }
absDistance (Distance dist) = Distance (abs dist)

Note that floorDistance, ceilingDistance and absDistance can handle unit other than LegoBlock, and in general do not make any assumptions on the input properties, they merely guarantee that the output will have a specific property, either nonFractional or nonNegative.

Let's look at some outcomes.

import Distance exposing (Distance)

-- Compiles
distance1 = combineLegoBlocks fourStuds fourStuds

-- Does not compile
distance2 = combineLegoBlocks fourStuds threeFiddyStud

-- Compiles
distance3 = combineLegoBlocks fourStuds (floorDistance threeFiddyStud)

-- Does not compile
distance4 = combineLegoBlocks fourStuds negativeStud

-- Compiles
distance5 = combineLegoBlocks fourStuds (absDistance negativeStud)

-- Does not compile
distance6 = combineLegoBlocks fourStuds crazyStud

-- Compiles
distance7 = combineLegoBlocks fourStuds (floorDistance (absDistance crazyStud))

-- Compiles
distance8 = combineLegoBlocks fourStuds (ceilingDistance (absDistance crazyStud))

In general, floorDistance and ceilingDistance provide different results, but the same guarantees. This is the strength of the phantom type technique: providing flexible choices to users while maintaining strong guarantees.


You, the Master of Evil, take great pride in the quality of the TreasureChests found in your Evil dungeons all over the world. It's not easy to keep up the quality, your dungeon managers keep messing up treasure making, so you decide to provide an Elm API to bend them to your Will.

There are two conditions on which you will not budge:

  1. a TreasureChest should be protected by a secure password of at least 8 characters
  2. in a specific dungeon, each TreasureChest should hold a unique treasure

Your dungeon managers will come up with a list of password/treasure suggestions, and only suitable TreasureChests will be created.

With these criterion, there are two possible ways of creating secure chests from a list of suggestions:

  1. remove the ones with insecure passwords, then remove the ones with duplicate treasures
  2. remove the ones with duplicate treasures, then remove the ones with insecure passwords

Those two might not give the same results (for example for [("strong_password", GoldStatue), ("1234", GoldStatue)]), but you don't mind either way, so you want to let the dungeon managers decide.

An API that leaves the users some choice, but still guarantees properties of the final result? Sounds like a perfect fit for the phantom type technique!

1. Provide a placeholder for treasure chests

The treasureChest type and its companion getTreasure are already given, but you need to come up with a type for a chest suggestion.

Implement the Chest type, implement makeChest and fix the type signatures of secureChest and uniqueTreasures. The type signatures of makeChest and makeTreasureChest are already provided as part of the requirements, do not modify them.

A Chest should hold the same data as a TreasureChest and should have two type arguments, one for treasure and a record phantom type for conditions. Note that because Chest is using a phantom type, and should therefore be opaque to prevent its use anywhere outside of the TreasureFactory module. In this case, it is not even exposed at all.

Edit the type signatures of secureChest and uniqueTreasures to add the constraints using extensible records as phantom types. secureChest should take a Chest without specific conditions and return a Maybe Chest, with the extra condition securePassword : () in its phantom record. uniqueTreasures should take a List Chest without specific conditions and return a List Chest, with the extra condition uniqueTreasure : () added to the phantom record.


Elm tests have access to exposed functions, but not to type signatures, it is therefore impossible for tests to verify that you are using the right signatures. Of course, the strongest indication that you have the right signatures is to succeed in getting the module and tests to compile and run, but we have created an analyzer rule that will check your type signatures once you submit your solution.

2. Select secure chests

Once you have chests ready, you need to pick out the secure ones.

Implement secureChest that only returns a Just variant for chests with a password of 8 or more characters. The Chest that fulfill that conditions should have an extra securePassword : () condition added to their phantom type.

3. Select unique treasures

Only the rarest of treasures should be allowed in a dungeon, even one copy makes a treasure look cheap.

Implement uniqueTreasures that takes a list of Chest and returns a list of the Chest that have a unique treasure in the input list. If a treasure appears twice in the input, it shouldn't be in the output. The input Chests should not have specific conditions and output ones should have the extra condition uniqueTreasure : () added.

4. Enjoy the final product

Enjoy the best of TreasureChests that will be sure to attract adventurers like flies to honey.

Implement makeTreasureChest that takes a Chest that is both secure and unique and creates a TreasureChest. Since TreasureChest is an opaque type, this will be the only way to create one, even lousy dungeon managers won't be able to mess it up.

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