Scrabble Score
Scrabble Score

Scrabble Score



Given a word, compute the Scrabble score for that word.

Letter Values

You'll need these:

Letter                           Value
A, E, I, O, U, L, N, R, S, T       1
D, G                               2
B, C, M, P                         3
F, H, V, W, Y                      4
K                                  5
J, X                               8
Q, Z                               10


"cabbage" should be scored as worth 14 points:

  • 3 points for C
  • 1 point for A, twice
  • 3 points for B, twice
  • 2 points for G
  • 1 point for E

And to total:

  • 3 + 2*1 + 2*3 + 2 + 1
  • = 3 + 2 + 6 + 3
  • = 5 + 9
  • = 14


  • You can play a double or a triple letter.
  • You can play a double or a triple word.

Running and testing your solutions

From the command line

Simply type make chez if you're using ChezScheme or make guile if you're using GNU Guile. Sometimes the name for the scheme binary on your system will differ from the defaults. When this is the case, you'll need to tell make by running make chez chez=your-chez-binary or make guile guile=your-guile-binary.

From a REPL

  • Enter (load "test.scm") at the repl prompt.
  • Develop your solution in scrabble-score.scm reloading as you go.
  • Run (test) to check your solution.

Failed Test Cases

If some of the test cases fail, you should see the failing input and the expected output. The failing input is presented as a list because the tests call your solution by (apply scrabble-score input-list). To learn more about apply see The Scheme Programming Language -- Chapter 5

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