Hello World
Hello World

Hello World

Tutorial Exercise


“Hello, World!” will get you writing some Pharo and familiarize yourself with the Exercism workflow. Completing it unlocks the rest of the Pharo Track.

Watch our "Introduction to Hello, World" video to get started 👇


The classical introductory exercise. Just say "Hello, World!".

"Hello, World!" is the traditional first program for beginning programming in a new language or environment.

The objectives are simple:

  • Modify the provided code so that it produces the string "Hello, World!".
  • Run the test suite and make sure that it succeeds.
  • Submit your solution and check it at the website.

If everything goes well, you will be ready to fetch your first real exercise.

If you are editting this file in a text editor and not in Pharo - please review the Getting Started section.

While you can use a text editor, the Pharo IDE is partly what makes the language so special.

In Pharo you can run code (including tests) with broken methods and missing classes. When the VM encounters broken code, it raises a debugger which lets you explore the problem a little better.

You then have the option to press the Create button to add a missing class or method, as well as correct any code that causes an error. When you do so, the debugger will backup and let you resume execution with your new changes.

Try doing this with your HelloWorld example, by simply running any one of the unit test methods.

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Pharo Exercism

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